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  Frequently Asked Questions  

What is an education foundation?

Education foundations connect private funds with public schools through philanthropic donations and corporate partnerships. KEF is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that works with private and corporate donors to support all seven of the public schools within Kane School District.


Why does Kane County need the Kane Education Foundation?

Public schools continue to face pressure to do more with less and many school districts look to nonprofit education foundations to provide support and resources. KCSD is committed to delivering a robust and dynamic curriculum to all students. However, the school district has mandates from the state and federal departments of education that significantly limit how dollars are spent.  The KEF supports areas that foster student growth and excellence that cannot be funded solely through the district budget.


How does the Kane Education Foundation decide what to fund?

KEF funds projects that fall within our four focus areas. These areas are: Counseling, Early Learning, Fine Arts and STEM.  We believe that concentrating our resources in these four areas will have a widespread impact on the schools and students in our district. KEF’s desire is to have a broad impact where possible in order to maximize the impact to teachers and students. You can read more about these focus areas here.


How are District staff and the School Board involved with the Education Foundation?

The KEF collaborates with the Kane School District and the Kane School District Board of Education. The Kane School District Superintendent and an additional member of the Kane School District Board of Education member serve on the KEF Board of Directors. This ensures good communication between the Foundation and the District.


Which public schools are supported by the Kane Education Foundation?

We support all seven schools in Kane County. These are:

Big Water School

 Kanab Elementary School

Kanab Middle School

Kanab High School

Lake Powell School

Valley Elementary School

Valley High School.

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