Kane Education Foundation wouldn’t be here without the support and vitality of members like you. We thank each and every one of you for all you do for the students and teachers in our school district.
We are a non-profit organization founded in 2003. We serve as a conduit for education-minded donors to support Kane County School District in programs that require funding outside of the core district budget. We are a fiscal sponsor for the district, ensuring professional management of your gift. When you give to Kane Education Foundation, you make an immediate and powerful impact in the lives of our students that will resonate for years to come.
Here are a variety of ways you can give to Kane Education Foundation:
Whether it’s a year-end contribution, a donation to one of our focus areas, or just a few extra dollars at any time, contributions help us enormously while they help you on your taxes. Truly, a gift to the foundation becomes a gift for the ages—but your gift is needed now to make a direct and meaningful impact on children within our school district. Every donation helps. Click here to donate now.
Kane Education Foundation is largely dependent upon word-of-mouth for new members, so your assistance can makes a big difference. Whether you are an employee of the district, a student, business leader, or alumnus, we really count upon YOU to spread the word and extol the virtues of this organization. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook and invite your friends and family to do so as well. You can also subscribe to our newsletter here. Thanks for your support!
The foundation gladly accepts in-kind donations. The purpose of our Diamond and Denim event is to auction products, goods, and services to raise money. If this is a way you feel like you can contribute, please contact us.
If you know of any funding source (an individual, a foundation, or a corporate sponsor, a grant) that might be interested in supporting Kane Education Foundation, please let us know.
Assist in the longevity of the Foundation to give students and teachers the resources they need to succeed in the classroom in perpetuity by including Kane Education Foundation in your will or trust. It’s a wonderfully touching way to keep knowledge and learning alive. Please contact Calli Kelly, Executive Director, for more information.