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Preschool and Early Learning

Why It's Important


School-readiness begins at birth. Studies show children who participate in early learning programs develop early language skills and improved social and emotional skills.  This early development has lasting impacts on later success in school and in adult life.


What We're Doing


Kane Education Foundation has created programs, accessible to any Kane County resident, to promote early learning opportunities. 


Birth to 5 Literacy Program  helps to build the home library of every child in Kane County, starting at birth.  We are proud to partner with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library starting in 2021 to provide 1 book per month from birth to age 5.  To learn more about this program or enroll your child please click HERE.


Summer Science Camp  is design to increase the vocabularies of children ages 4 to 6 by giving opportunities to learn, hear, and practice new words by introducing them to different science subjects through reading, new experiences and activities.  Summer Science Camp has been a big hit and enrollment numbers have increased each year.  To learn more about this program or enroll your child please click HERE.










  Please consider making a DONATION to help fund these critical programs.


If you have a strong interest in helping the Preschool and Early Learning Strategy of the Kane Education Foundation, please contact us at


“Children are made readers in the laps of their parents.” - Emilie Buckwald


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